Collaborative Editing
for your apps
with Flip

Flip is the first turnkey solution for implementing real-time collaboration.Whether your application is new and innovative or an industry leader with decades of legacy code, Flip will unlock a rock solid shared editing feature for your users.

350K projects, 150K users, 0 Flip related bug

Ohmstudio is the first "heavy" app featuring 'Google Docs-style' synchronous collaborative editing. But it doesn't rely on any Operational Transform or CRDT framework to perform concurrent editing. Those are simply not adapted for the complexity and the performance it needs.

Instead it's powered by Flip groundbreaking algorithms. And we're proud to say it's confirmed to be rock solid!

Ohm Studio Real Time Collaborative DAW

"Beginners will love the ability to analyse other people's tracks and techniques, and even to join or remix other people's projects. And pros will relish the chance to collaborate remotely in real time [...] for now, there's no other DAW that can do what Ohm Studio does"

Computer Music Logo

Why Flip?

Old paradigm: the user creates a document.

...then he edits it...

...then saves and quit in order for the next user...

...to open the document and edit it in turn.

(it probably strikes you as a sub optimal workflow)
Deprecated Collaborative Editing


 Yet that's how
app tools have been
working so far.



But now there's Flip.


With Flip integrated in your application,
there is still one working document...

... but with multiple users working in it simultaneously.
Flip Real Time Collaborative Editing
(it probably strikes you as a bit more effective)
Flip is a ground breaking technology that deals with
the many pitfalls of Real Time Collaboration such as:

Lego undo redo

...as well as...
Flip handles complex Data Structure
Flip is a well packaged, easy to integrate solution... 
Flip Lego style box
...to a technological riddle so complex no one has solved it before.
Tool apps are what we puny humans use to build the world.
We're looking forward to change it with you!  

Irisate’s mission is to make
real time collaborative editing
a standard feature for every app .

"We think that within 10 years we’ll have to explain to our kids why we had to figure out what version of a file we needed to open or if we had to wait first for somebody else to finish editing it."

- Franck Bacquet, CEO.

Franck Bacquet

Franck Bacquet

Raphaël Dingé portrait at 3DS talk

Raphaël Dingé

Grégory Makles

Grégory Makles
Growth Hacking

Vincent Birebent

Vincent Birebent
Web technologies

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...or contact us directly through:
[email protected]

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    You want to know more about Flip and we want to know (just a bit) more about you before you proceed to download.

    (we guarantee this will be kept private. Your informations will not be shared.)

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