Our talk @3DS about Real Time Collaborative Editing challenges


Earlier this year we've been lucky enough to be part of Dassault Système scientific conference cycle. Their campus is certainly one of the most impressive IT office you can find in France which is no surprise when you realize that Dassault is the second software publisher worldwide, in between Microsoft and Adobe. Yes, CAD is a huge market and a french company is leading it. Sure, German make great cars, but what do they use to design them? French software, as it turns out. While our french fellows are well aware of the former, few know about the later, which is why it's worth mentioning 🙂

Anyway, if you're interested in the UI challenges of Real Time Collaborative Editing, check the first part. If you're interested in a comparison between all existing approaches so the simultaneous editing part, watch the second part (or read this handy round up). If you're just wondering what is Real Time Collaboration in a document or why it matters, check the intro. And if you're mind is strong enough to cope with 2 hours of "international english",  just make some tea and watch it all.

Many thanks to Jean-Jacques Auffret for making this happen, to Antoine Dos Santos and his team for the excellent job on the video and of course to Dassault Système - especially to let us go public about this.

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